Cooking: Kvass Crackers

Kvass Crackers
Kvass Crackers


They’re actually pretty good! They are a smidge chewy fresh from the oven, with a more muted rye flavor than the bread from which it started. They’re excellent with a bit of sharp, hard cheese, washed down with a bit of beer. They turn quite hard by the next day, but could easily be softened in some stew or with a splash of beer. 

Proposed Location:

Because they’re so easy to make and require little else besides the spent grain, they would be well suited to any small holdfast or cottage that brews its own beer (as many did, historically). The northern Liddels, of oatcake-making prowess, might enjoy something like this, or they could be a good sort of way bread for a Ranger. Even down along the coasts of the Iron Islands one might find something like these small crackers, a bit of sustenance to help one through the day.

Kvass Crackers Recipe


  • 2 cups kvass mush
  • 2 plus cups flour (whole wheat is best)
  • generous pinch of salt

Mix the salt into the mush, adding flour gradually, until the dough is no longer sticky. Divide into pieces a little smaller than a golf ball. Flatten each piece to about 1/4″ thickness, or a little thinner. Arrange on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Bake at 350 F for 10-15 minutes, until each disc is slightly golden. Serve straight away or allow to dry out for your next ranging. Enjoy with a little cheese and beer.

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